Getting Involved is easy - and rewarding


Every time you come to the Hanging Gardens for a cup of coffee, attend a performance, or an event, you are helping us to keep the project going. Your support means so much! You help us survive. But for anyone wanting to be more involved there are dozens of different ways to do so.

People we are looking for

There are so many skills that are needed in this project, if it is to thrive. Are there any that you have that you would be willing to share with the community? There are also skills that we have never thought of that could be of the utmost benefit. Please let us know if there are any insights, ideas, experiences that you can contribute to the evolution of the project.

We need; Directors and Trustees, Steering Group members for the Theatre and Market, people with business, marketing, strategic development skills, people who enjoy networking, researching (including historical). We need event organisers and people to help with the practical side of running events, especially for annual events like the hay meadows festival. Consultants and advisors. Fundraisers, plumbers and carpenters. We would love photographers, video makers – we can give you all projects! Musicians and artists can add life and colour to everything we do – sometimes we can pay you, often we can’t.

We need extroverts who are good at talking to people, public speaking, giving presentations. We need introverts who aren’t, but can come up with the best ideas and insights. We need business people, farmers, artists, shopkeepers, children, people with additional needs, of all ages, if we are to build a really rounded project. Everyone has a unique perspective to offer.

We would love people to run their own projects from the Hanging Gardens or on the land. We can sometimes help with fundraising and publicity. We would love to collaborate on projects with other groups. We don’t mind whether we are a lead or a subsidiary partner – we can do so much more together!


We are registered with WCVA for accreditation in volunteer management. If you are interested in applying then we will ask you to fill out an application form so that we get some idea of what you are interested in. Apply to You will then meet our project co-ordinator for a volunteer’s induction and have a chance to look at all our policies.

You may well want to work with one of the independent groups that we work alongside – like the Repair Events or swifts group. We can put you in touch with their current co-ordinator’s so you won’t need to fill in our paperwork.